The story of our family farm begins in the early 2000s, when we, as a young couple, decided to pursue our dream, to have our own farm, where we will raise our children, inspired by the stories of our grandparents about a healthy and always interesting life in harmony with nature.
As we both grew up in families that have always been engaged in agriculture, working the land hasn’t been difficult or strange for us.
Vineyards and olive trees have been our greatest passion. We originally started by expanding the vineyard on our then largest plots, while we planted olives on less accessible terrain.
The years pass, we get married, we welcome our two sons, Toni and Rudi, we expand the property, the first awards for the quality of our olive oils start coming in.
Enthusiastic and excited by the growing demand for our oils, we dedicate ourselves to the production of extra virgin olive oils of the highest quality with an emphasis on autochthonous varieties.
Vineyards have remained a part of our lives to this day, our everyday life would be unimaginable without vines, our Istrian Malvasia, but olive groves and extra virgin olive oil become the centre of our world.